Thursday, April 30, 2009

Attention Blitz Students - Independent Study Assignment

If you are a Blitz Student please complete the following assignment to fulfill your course requirements. This replaces the assignments completed in class.

1. List the causes of the French Revolution and explain each one. (Minimum of three causes)
2. Name and explain at least 10 major events from the French Revolution starting with when and where it began and ending with when and where it ended.
3. Name at least 10 important figures of the French Revolution. Please explain why theses people were significant.
4. List the effects or results of the French Revolution explaining each.
5. Create a timeline incorporating the events from before, during, and after the war.

Three requirements must be fulfilled before this project is considered to be complete:

1. The above questions must be answered in your project and the responses must be your original work and not cut and pasted from the Internet.

2. The questions must be put into a PowerPoint presentation or a poster if you do not have access to a computer.

3. You must present your project to me before a final grade can be given.

French Revolution Weblinks

Here are several good sites you can use to explore the events of the French Revolution.

French Revolution Online Quiz Sites

Here are some fun quiz sites you can use to test your knowledge on the French Revolution.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Independent Study: American Revolution Assignment

If you are a Blitz student or cannot work with a group due to excessive absences or some other reason you are to complete a project of your own to meet the requirements for this part of the class.

Using the internet links and your textbook answer the following essential questions about the American Revolution.

Essential Questions:

1. What is a Revolution?
2. What were the major causes of the American Revolution?
3. When and where did the American Revolution begin?
4. What were the major battles of the American Revolution?
5. When and where did the American Revolution end?
6. What were the results of the American Revolution?
a. What were the Articles of Confederation and what were their limitations?
b. What was the Constitution?

After you have answered the questions create a PowerPoint presentation addressing each of these Essential Questions. If you do not have access to a computer you may complete the project as a poster.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Web Links for American Revolution (Wikipedia article - good starting place for a summary of the American Revolution) (a comprehensive guide to the American Revolution) (Smhoop site on the American Revolution)
(PBS site on the American Revolution – good site but a bit limited in the information – use for background knowledge and information on daily life)
(very concise site on the causes of the war) (well organized and easy to navigate site on the Revolution)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Enlightenment Web Quest

Enlightenment Web Links: (introduction - don’t use Wikipedia as a source but as a place to START your research by getting a quick overview of what it’s all about)
(part of Shmoop article on The Intellectual Roots of the American Revolution – discusses the writers of the Enlightenment very well with links to more info about them) (website of Fordham U with a good compendium of Enlightenment resources)

Essential Questions of the Enlightenment:

1. What was the Enlightenment and what was it also known as?

2. When did it occur?

3. What event or events led to the Enlightenment?

4. Who were the major thinkers of the Enlightenment and what did they say? (create a chart to address this question)

5. What major events occurred as a result of the Enlightenment?

Your Mission:
  • Using the suggested websites listed above address each of the essential questions.
  • You will need to respond in complete, well thought out short paragraphs. You will be assessed on grammar and mechanics so take your time and do your best.
  • For question #4 please respond in chart form. Use either Word or PowerPoint to create a chart or brief presentation about the major thinkers of the day. This is designed to help you organize your thoughts.
  • Be prepared to answer verbal questions about the material.
  • You will have two class periods to complete this assignment or it is due on Friday of each week if you are a Blitz student.